
*Content warning: this piece contains language to which some might object.

Yuki Umeda
San José

Beauty is subjective. Beauty is something new in the normalized. 

Beauty is something in the less prioritized.

For example, we see beauty in the transition of leaves 

The transition of leaves into unemployment and to death

We see them age, see their skin tone change 

and they enter the kingdom by, simply, falling off. 

Each of them engaging in their last dance, dropping

It’s a friendly reminder that each day is a step closer to Heaven falling

During this fall was the rise of students

During this season of remote learning is a rise in grades falling. 

What schools expect from students and the families highlighted the difference in class

What cities expect from residents taxed our safety. Policies basically sayin: 

“We care more about the ca$h”

When we use the lens that magnify the marginalized 

We start to realize these are the people at the table. 

When we start to look farther away with that lens,

That’s when we get a glimpse of the Kingdom

Above becomes below

The last becomes first. 

Crumbs become feasts

The least becomes gifts. 

The marginalized becomes the privilege 

Tears symbolize love 

GT becomes my teacher

He gives me lessons on sustainability and gives me an example of how it feels to walk with someone

The subtle art of not giving a f—-

Actually is sometimes the answer

The Gate for all of this is not about restriction at all 

It’s about an entry into the vastness 

GT eats with Jesus at the table. 

I sit by their footsteps and I see that as beauty.

It’s not a destination.

It's a discovery. 

This is a friendly reminder that each day is a step, a step closer to Heaven falling

About “Beauty”

I start off with my thesis of what I learned throughout my time in Fall to Winter of 2020. I illustrate our perception of the season Autumn. We see the color of leaves change. But biologically, leaves change color because the tree prioritizes survival throughout Winter. The tree lets go of the leaves, and the leaves slowly die (by changing color). But we see that transition of “being important to not important” as beautiful with the aesthetic that comes through the leaves. Does that make sense? 

Thus, beauty is subjective. 

Also, I illustrate these leaves as figures that enter the Kingdom. I have a couple word plays throughout the lines, but you can figure that out yourself. Basically, I am trying to argue that beauty is in the less prioritized. The leaves are “less important/prioritized”  in the transitional period of Fall & Winter from the tree. However, some of us (humans) see them as aesthetically pleasing when the leaves change their colors. I ain’t going to lie, they pretty pretty when they change colors, my opinion. I respect your opinion. Whatever it is. 

Thus, beauty is in the less prioritized. 

The next section starts to introduce school and GT. During this season of Autumn is when students enter a new grade year. Just background info. GT was a decent student before COVID. But in Fall 2020 when he started 7th grade in  “distance learning” and he began to fail after the first month of school. Through GT, I witnessed how “distance learning” really makes it obvious of the difference between the wealthy and the poor. Stable wifi, quiet spaces, desk & chair, adult supervision, etc. 

The last section is where I illustrate my view of what the Kingdom of God looks like. Where it is a reverse kingdom. And also, lifting GT up for things he taught me while I spent time with him. And also, I wanted to put a line about the misconception of what the Kingdom really is. People think it’s a destination and there’s hella restrictions to get through the Gate. But there really isn’t any restriction at all.

Hopefully this poem made a bit more sense to what I was trying to paint.

Hopefully you were able to taste a sampler of the Kingdom I believe in.

Posted on February 24, 2021 and filed under Poetry.