Lisa Sharon Harper

The normalization of the abuse and silencing of women inside and outside of the church has been shown for what it is—an affront to the image of God on earth—by movements like #Metoo, #Churchtoo, and #SilenceIsNotSpiritual. As a result, women's voices are rising and the church finally seems ready to listen. But there is a corner of the church that remains in the dark—muffled; women of color on the evangelical mission field. These missionaries continue the traditions of women of color who led the missions movement throughout the 19th century, but were usurped and replaced by white missionaries at the turn of the 20th century; at the same time that white churches vestries drew red-lines around their communities and devised and implemented systems to ensure white supremacy at home. Over the past two decades, God has been at work in the hidden corners of the evangelical church; raising up evangelical women of color to enter the mission field again—for the sake of the preservation of the faith and the glory of God. These are the voices of those women. Come. Listen. Behold.

— Lisa Sharon Harper, President and Founder of Freedom Road, LLC and the author of several books, including The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong can be Made Right.

Posted on August 22, 2018 .

Ruth Chung

Voices that have echoed from the margins now burst with telling in Voices Rising, resounding with stories of women from diverse walks of life, origin, and color, sharing a common purpose of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Scholars, students, and laypersons alike will be inspired by the narratives of God’s faithful daughters who seek to honor him by dedicating their talents and gifts to be a blessing through service. Their stories challenge us to live out our calling more fully in our lives.

— Ruth Chung, Professor and Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program, University of Southern California

Posted on August 21, 2018 .

Sabrina Chan

Voices Rising is a gift to the Church from these faithful leaders and ministers. Reading their diverse stories gives broader insight into what God is doing through these sisters in cities around the world, but what I found most powerful was honest descriptions of how they have worked out their callings amidst the diversity of backgrounds as women of color. Their stories also challenged me to reflect and wrestle with my own calling as a Christ-follower in new ways.”

— Sabrina Chan, National Director of Asian American Ministries, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Posted on July 27, 2018 .

Kathy Khang

Reading these words reminded me how much we all need to continue listening and learning from the diverse and complex intersections and social locations that women of color bring to the coming of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Readers may not be able to relate to every story or every nuance, but isn’t that how we interact with scripture? Take your time and wrestle with these stories that take us around the globe, and listen for God’s voice.

Kathy Khang, speaker, journalist, activist, and author of Raise Your Voice, IVP

Posted on July 27, 2018 .

Michael A. Mata

Voices Rising is a remarkable array of stories that intersect racial/ethnic/national identity, gender, faith, and vocation.  What makes these tales from the margins so compelling and insightful is their authentic and honest wrestling with the self, culture, and God.  Whether you are female or male, a person of color or not, single or married, questioning or embracing God’s call to ministry and mission—in these stories you will find allies among those who have been on a journey, often times lonely and confusing, of discovering the transformative power of God’s love and grace for self and for others.

— Michael A. Mata, Director of the Transformational Urban Leadership Program, Azusa Pacific Seminary

Posted on July 26, 2018 .

W. Tali Hairston

Voices Rising is a powerfully hopeful and redemptive elevation of God's work in and through women of color. Called to be and do life within the urban landscape, they rise and are rising to reveal an everyday orthodoxy that witnesses a prophetic imagination. You will enjoy and be challenged by Voices Rising. May you hear the faith, hope, and love of these urban ministers among us.  

— W. Tali Hairston, Senior Advisor for Community Engagement—Seattle Presbytery/Perkins Institute

Posted on July 25, 2018 .

Lindsay Olesberg

Reading Voices Rising is like sitting down for a cup of coffee with a group of remarkable women from all over the world.  As each shares her stories of learning to live true to Jesus’ Kingdom and true to her unique identity, I felt inspired, challenged, and grateful. These intimate, poignant stories expand our understanding of who God is using as urban missionaries, and they enable us to learn from their faith.

— Lindsay Olesberg, InterVarsity’s Scripture Engagement Director and author of Studying Ephesians with the Global Church

Posted on July 8, 2018 .

Scott Bessenecker

Strong women of deep faith telling powerful stories. That’s what you will find in Voices Rising. We are past due for a collection of experiences from Christian matriarchs of the twenty-first century. We need their voices to give us courage for the challenge we face and to plant seeds of hope in a world of hardship. In these pages you will encounter the stories of modern-day Desert Mothers. We would do well to heed their wisdom.

Scott Bessenecker, Director of Missions, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and author of The New Friars and Living Mission, IVP

Posted on July 7, 2018 .

Scott Hall

For too long the American Church has been content to offer platforms to white men or occasionally white women and to let our theology and practice of ministry be shaped only by that perspective. Yet the crowds who were first drawn to Jesus were primarily those on the outside of such agency! The voices of these women of color are precious gems given to shape the life and future of the American Church. May we heed our sisters’ collective wisdom, and in so doing, better understand the heart of God and healthy life and ministry for the Church.

— Scott Hall, National Director of Urban Programs at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA

Posted on July 6, 2018 .

Graham Hill

The voices of women of color are rising. These are strong and compelling voices, while also humble and gracious. Women of color call the Church and the world to peace, reconciliation, justice, diversity, and hope. They show us the grace, passion, and prophetic wisdom cultivated at the margins of our Church and world. In Voices Rising, women of color offer personal and prophetic stories and insights that can renew the Church, transform the world, and lead to lasting hope.

— Graham Hill, Author, Global Church and Healing Our Broken Humanity

Posted on July 5, 2018 .